Lunch Bunch
March 22nd and 23rd
Please bring lunches to the church before 4:15 Mass on Saturday or between the 6:45am and 11:15am Masses on Sunday ONLY.
The collection of sack lunches to feed the homeless is coming the weekend of March 22nd and 23rd.
Each lunch should contain 2 plain sandwiches, a piece of fruit (no bananas), chips, and a sweet treat of some kind.
No mayo or mustard except in separate packages!
Parish volunteers take the collected lunches to the Volunteers of America Shelter on Lawrence Street where they are distributed to the homeless throughout the week. If you have questions contact Aric Gomez at 303-953-7792 or
Cabrini's Cupboard
Cabrini’s Cupboard serves those in need by means of providing groceries and general assistance. The food pantry is kept stocked by the generosity of our parishioners. If you would like to drop off a food donation for the pantry, please do so in the blue collection bin just inside the double brown doors leading to the Parish Halls. Please remember to check the expiration dates before you drop off food items. We are unable to distribute items passed the expiration date. If you would like to make a financial contribution to the pantry for the purchase of pantry items or for our assistance fund, please drop this off in the main office and note on the check that it is for Cabrini’s Cupboard. Thank you for supporting our parish in this critical ministry.
Our Mission: To provide a quick and efficient method that connects those in need with those who would like to give.
Our Beliefs: We believe that expression of our love of God is shown in our care for others. We believe that we are called to do as Jesus did - to be people of the towel and water (cf. John 13:15)
To Request Assistance: Call Karen Hoeft at 303-953-7784.
CURRENT NEEDS INCLUDE: jelly, cereals, canned tuna, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, breakfast and granola bars, diapers and wipes. Donations can be dropped off in the blue collection box just inside the double brown exterior entry doors to the Parish Hall. Your gifts of $10 grocery gift cards are greatly appreciated as they help families purchase milk, eggs, meats, other perishable items, and prescriptions. Gift cards should be dropped off in the main office.
Without your support, our shelves would be empty. Thank you for your generosity!
Mercy in Motion
If you have questions, please contact Aric at
Our projects are founded on the Corporal Works of Mercy.
The works of mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily necessities. Instructing, advising, consoling, comforting are spiritual works of mercy, as are forgiving and bearing wrongs patiently. The corporal works of mercy consist especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. Among all these, giving alms to the poor is one of the chief witnesses to fraternal charity: it is also a work of justice pleasing to God:
He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none and he who has food must do likewise. But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, everything is clean for you. If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit? - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2447
Rosary Makers
“When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better”
~Saint Anthony Mary Claret
Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, April 1st - Parish Hall C.
Mission: to supply rosaries to whoever needs one.
Are you interested in an outreach opportunity that spans the globe? This may be the one. Rosary Makers distributes over 17,000 rosaries per year. The Cabrini Rosary Makers (CRM) was started in the early 1990's by Loretta L. She had this great desire to have more rosaries prayed, so she wanted to supply those rosaries to people in need. We have wonderful volunteers to teach you how to make a rosary.
We meet to make rosaries so as to provide mission rosary supplies, to share in fellowship, to allow the Rosary Makers to drop off their rosaries made at home, to teach new members how to make rosaries, and to share special intentions before we pray the Rosary together. We are a family and continue to grow in membership. Not all the members are able to attend the meetings, but they remain part of our family.
Who benefits from our rosaries?
We try to distribute the rosaries to anyone who is in need of a rosary. We supply thousands of rosaries to the migrant workers in Colorado, the homeless, other Parishes who have no rosary making group and have needs for their Sacramental classes, several hospital Spiritual Care Departments, nursing homes, hospice homes, schools and at least one university for their "Lenten Survival Kits". We have connections with people in the United States who send rosaries out of the country to many poor areas, and through them we even have had our rosaries provided for World Youth Days and the US Military.
Rosary Repair
We are no longer able to repair any rosaries.
If you have questions, please contact Joan Deeb at
We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 9:45 – 11:30am; no registration is required, and we usually meet in Parish Hall B.
All are welcome to join in praying the Rosary, led by fellow parishioners.
Monday – Friday; 8:15 am in the Church
Helping Hands
Helping Hands is a ministry that offers parishioners opportunities to serve “our neighbors” through hands on outreach projects. Some projects are family friendly and most require just a few hours of commitment.
Upcoming Service Opportunities
Contact Joan at 303-953-7765 or Email Joan to help with this project.
Loving Hands
Our next gathering will be on Saturday, April 5th from 10am - 1pm in Parish Hall B
The Loving Hands Knitting & Crocheting group meets once a month (January - November). We invite you to join us if you would like to learn to knit or crochet, or to share your talents and socialize as we make a variety of items for those in need.
Mission: To bring volunteers together for fellowship and community while providing an opportunity to use our skilled hands and open hearts to make blankets and warm gifts for those in need of love, tenderness, and security.
Vision: We welcome newcomers and are willing to teach. All you need is the desire to learn and share your creativity with an open and loving heart. Yarn and crochet hooks/knitting needles are provided for Loving Hands projects only, but feel free to bring your own materials to work on personal projects. For those who cannot physically attend but would like to crochet or knit at home, thank you and we welcome your talents & gifts of love! for more information this ministry.
Email Karen Smoody (crocheting & knitting) or call 303-588-0461
Meetings: 1 time a month on Saturday.
Piecemakers Quilt Group
Mission: “Piecemakers quilt with love to warm the body and comfort the soul of those in need.”
Piecemakers Quilt Group is an outreach ministry of women which began in 2004. If you like to quilt and chat, come join us. This hands-on outreach group has a desire to bring comfort to those in need by using their craft and talents to blanket others with love. All quilts that are produced are given to those in need, from infants of low-income families, veterans, victims of natural disasters, and the low-income elderly. Most of the sewing needs such as patterns and materials for the individual projects are provided by the parish. Welcome quilters of all skill levels. All attendees bring their own machine and thread to the quilting meetings.
Time: Piecemakers meet twice a month, one Friday from 9:00-2:00 and one Saturday from 9:00 -3:00 per month. Some members sew at home as well.
Contact: If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Joan at
Our upcoming meetings include:
Saturday, March 22nd; 9:30am - 1:00pm in Parish Hall B
Friday, April 25th; 9:30am - 2:00pm in Parish Hall B
Ladies of Charity
Ladies of Charity is a charitable organization that works to assist our parish, our community, and to offer support to each other. We meet from September-May on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:45pm. All women of the parish are welcome to join us in prayer, fellowship, outreach and fun. We begin each meeting with a rosary and work throughout the year to raise funds that are donated to various efforts and organizations. For more information, contact Sandy at (303) 842-7365 or at
Angel Bed Project
“Let the Little children come to me…” -Matt.19:14
Mission: The Angel Bed Ministry mission is to provide for those who are in a time of loss, and who do not have the financial means to afford a burial for their tiny babies. They provide at no charge a proper casket or as we like to call them Angel Beds, to assist these grieving families in giving their loved one’s dignity in their burial. They provide comfort for the parents and dignity and honor for these children of God. The Archdiocese of Denver Mortuary provides the services for stillbirths and miscarriages one per month. They work closely with our Loving hands ministry who give their time and talent to make pouches for the tiny babies and the fabric liners for the caskets. The materials are provided by the ministry such as: wood, paint, wood glue, and fabric. Primary recipients are anyone in the Archdiocese of Denver.
Donate: You can make a tax-deductible donation to help make a bed. Each bed cost is $45, but whatever you are called to donate will go a long way.
Volunteer: Requirements - like to work with your hands.
Opportunities: Range from experienced to beginner woodworker, various jobs include cutting, wood, routering, assembly, sanding, and painting.
Testimony: “It is an honor to be able to use my skills to provide such a comfort to grieving parents and family. I frequently pray while building the Angle Beds for God’s children that will be receiving this final resting place.” Rex S
Contact: Pat Padia at or (303) 919-6808