Our Mission: We will go anywhere and do anything to protect the dignity of all human life from conception to
natural death through prayer, education, and outreach.
The St. Frances Cabrini Respect Life ministry hosts and participates in several events throughout the year such as: 40 days for Life , Shower of Love , March for Life, Day of Adoration and Baby Bottle Boomerang. Changing our current culture of death takes a united force of prayer and the courage to stand together in humble public witness. If you or someone you know would be interested in joining our group, contact Teresa Gomez at 720-988-7847 or at treemariegomez@gmail.com.
Join the fight…
What to do if you suspect human trafficking…
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department has a special Child Sex Offender Internet Investigations Unit known as CHEEZO. The CHEEZO team goes undercover, following sex offenders into areas on the Internet frequented by children.
Spiritual Adoption Campaign
Thank you to the hundreds of parishioners who spiritually adopted an unborn baby during our Spiritual Adoption Campaign. Spiritual Adoption is an opportunity for a prayer warrior to allow God to use them to save the life of one of God's beloved children. Participants in the Spiritual Adoption Program pledge to pray for nine months for a newly conceived baby in danger of abortion. They will give their child a name and, while this child will remain unknown to their 'spiritual parent,' God knows the child in need. You can still spiritually adopt a baby by completing a pledge card found in the Respect Life mailbox in the hallway.
The USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities is inviting Catholics to offer a daily Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life for the end of abortion and for the protection of women and pre-born children. The prayer can be found using the button below.
Legislative Updates
Plan to oppose and vote “NO” on a proposal that will be on the November ballot to make unrestricted abortion up until birth a “fundamental right” in the state constitution. It would also change the 1984 state constitutional amendment that prohibited public funding from being used to fund abortion.
Please share this information with family and friends so that they are informed voters.
This proposal is yet to be officially numbered and titled but more information will be coming soon.
State Pro-Life Victories
Abortion is not legal in Arizona except in cases of emergency
Georgia, North Carolina and Florida pass heartbeat laws, making it illegal to perform an abortion after the heartbeat can be heard (about 6-weeks)
Maine’s pro-abortion Constitutional Amendment fails
More than 1/3 of all states protect innocent human life at all or most cases
We praise the Lord for these Pro-Life victories and pray that Colorado may one day be a state that upholds the dignity of life and protects the life of the unborn.
The 40 Days for Life is a focused time of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion and for a culture that respects the sanctity of all human life. The 40 Days for Life is an international campaign and over 23,000 lives have been saved due to this movement. This Fall the 40 Days for Life was held from September 25th to November 3rd.
Save the following dates:
Saturday, October 12th - pray with other Cabrini parishioners at the Littleton Planned Parenthood. Email Teresa to sign up to pray for an hour between 8:00am - 3:00pm.
Saturday, November 2nd - Mass at Stapleton Planned Parenthood celebrated by Fr. John Paul at 11:00am.
Respect Life Denver
Respect Life Denver champions Church teachings regarding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. The office provides consultation to - and collaboration with - parishes, as well as educational and healthcare institutions. It also presents life-affirming community events throughout the year, such as Prayer in the Square each first Saturday, Celebrate Life in January, and coordination with 40 Days for Life.