Women’s Book Study

Are you collecting good books on your nightstand that you intend to read but never get to them? Well, here is an opportunity to read a good book with other women. No homework, all the reading and discussion happen during our hour and a half session. Women’s book study is a weekday morning program hosted at the parish. A new book is selected each fall and spring. Typically runs 8-weeks per book. The books can range in topics from spiritual growth to entertaining historical fiction. Suggestions of books are always welcome. For information about upcoming studies, contact Joan at jdeeb@sfcparish.org. For more information on the book and to register, CLICK HERE

That Man Is You

That Man Is You (TMIY) honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! This men’s ministry gathers bright and early on Saturday mornings to be sure husbands and fathers can be home before their busy family activities begin. To get the schedule or for more information, contact Deacon Chet Ubowski at dcnchet@sfcparish.org.

Magnificat Moms

Magnificat Moms is a group of women who desire to grow in holiness and friendship as we explore our Catholic faith, supporting one another along the way. We provide moms of all seasons of life the opportunity to take some time to invest in themselves and connect with other moms who are going through the same things.

We meet two Thursdays per month (during the school year) in the Frassati Room at St. Frances Cabrini. You are welcome to join us for any of our meetings where we listen to amazing guest speakers, discuss our faith, and help lift each other up through friendship and prayer. Plus, childcare is included. Can’t attend a meeting? No problem, join us for other events like Moms’ Night Out, Playdates, Book Club & more!

We look forward to connecting with you soon! You and your families are in our prayers! CabriniMagMoms@gmail.com

Facebook: “Magnificat Moms Group St. Frances Cabrini”

Instagram: CabriniMagMoms

Email: CabriniMagMoms@gmail.com

Contact: Kim T: (720) 934-4543, Theresa M: (303) 396-9372, Kathleen D: (661) 317-5534


The registration fee helps to cover the cost of child care, materials and speakers. Scholarships are availabe by contacting Karen at klostpeich@sfcparish.org.


Small Faith Communities

Small Faith Communities (SFC) are adult discipleship groups.  They are intentional small groups that can vary in size and are formed based on neighborhoods, common interests, or position in life.   They meet regularly to share their life, pray together, read Scripture, commit time to one another for the sake of building an authentic relationship with each other while growing in faith.   They support one another through the ups and downs of everyday life in the pursuit to live a Christ centered life.  These groups may meet weekly, bi-monthly or according to some other regular pattern determined by the community. 

How does one start a Small Faith Community?  Consider inviting friends, your children’s friends’ parents, people you interact with at Church or other events in your life. If you need some encouragement or help in reaching out to these individuals, don’t hesistate to reach out.  Typically, groups rotate hosting, leading opening and closing prayer, and leading the discussion.  Some include refreshments while other do not.

The Community Life department supports these communities by providing resources: such as books, studies, reflections on weekly Gospel, retreats, social engagements, and outreach opportunities.  We also provide support for new group formation and placing new members in existing communities.

For more information or support, please contact Joan at jdeeb@sfcparish.org

Forever Families

Calling all Adoptive Families….

Forever Families' Faith Community is a group of families with adopted children of all ages. The vision of this faith community is for adoptive families to build lasting relationships with other families who share their same journey of adoption and faith. During our meetings we typically eat, chat, engage in fun and educational experiences, and, most importantly, pray together. We meet 4 approximately times a year. Typically our meetings are from 5:30 -7:30 pm in the Community House during the school year. We also have fun outings planned during the summer months. If you or someone you know would be interested in joining our group, contact Teresa Gomez at 720-988-7847 or at treemariegomez@gmail.com.