Our Mission
To live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and form missionary disciples to help lead in the New Evangelization for His Church. We live out this mission through the youth, who have been uniquely called to proclaim to the world the joy that springs from having encountered Christ. The way we accomplish that mission is through an invitation to the sacraments, prayer, learning, community, and service.
High School
Cabrini Youth’s high school model is intentionally centered on the promotion of fellowship and discipleship. It utilizes the “House” system which was traditionally founded in England. Cabrini consists of six households, three male and three female, and each male household is paired with a female household. The male households consist of Audacia, Frassati, and Fulminata. The female households include The Little Flowers, Katharos, and Militia Immaculata. At the start of every school year, Cabrini assigns freshmen to a male or female household, they are then put into a discipleship group led by a youth minister or adult volunteer, and they stay in that group and household for their four years of high school. This builds intentional friendship and camaraderie within those in the same household. There will be students from every grade of high school so that the underclassmen can learn from the upperclassmen, and the upperclassmen can be given opportunities to be leaders in the community. Each household hosts events throughout the year and all members of the youth group go to monthly events and semi-annual retreats hosted by Cabrini Youth.
“These are things that the 21st century teenager wants. Instead of doing programs, we’re forming culture.”
Middle School
Our middle school ministry at Cabrini is called EDGE, based on the original LifeTeen model. Middle Schoolers are invited to join us on Thursday evenings for games, talks, and small groups led by the youth ministers and our high school volunteers called Peer Leaders. This model helps teens build relationships with their peers and leaders, grow socially, and most importantly mature in their faith.
“Dodge, duck, dip, dive and....dodge.” ”

Join the Fam
If you have gotten this far down the page…we are pretty confident that means you would like to join us. We can guarantee you that there is no other youth group like Cabrini Youth, and we are proud of it. We can also guarantee that you will experience an environment focused on encountering Jesus Christ, a dynamic community centered around the Church, and a heckin’ fun time. Trust us, Catholics know how to party.